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I dreamt it impetuous, formidable, and ardent;
It spoke the imprecise language of the torrent,
It was a sea overflowing with madness and fire,
Rolling through life like an eternal fountain.

Afterwards, I dreamt it sad like a great sun setting
That facing the night turns its fiery head;
Then it laughed, and in its mouth as tender as a prayer
The soul of the fountain sounded its crystal.

And today I dream it vibrant and tender, laughing, and sad,
That it dresses all iris and darkness;
That, fragile like an idol and eternal like God,
Its majesty rises above all life:
And the kiss falls in fire to perfume its soles
In a fiery flower plucked by two…


Delmira Agustini
Translation by Alejandro Cáceres

«El libro blanco» (1907)

español Original version

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Selected Poetry of Delmira Agustini: Poetics of Eros. Contributors: Alejandro Cáceres - editor, Willis Barnstone - unknown. Publisher: Southern Illinois University Press. Place of Publication: Carbondale, IL. Publication Year: 2003