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Thou gracious dweller of the woodland green,
Companion ever of the April flowers,
And living breath of mother Venus’s heart,
            O gentle zephyr!—

If thou dost know the sorrows of my love,—
Thou that dost bear afar my sad lament,—
Hear me and frankly say to her I love
            That here I perish!

Filis, who once my bitter yearnings knew,
Filis, who once my bitter yearnings wept,
Once did she love me, but, alas, I fear,
            I fear her anger!

So do the gods with their paternal breasts,
Sodo the heavens with all their hearts benign
Withdraw themselves, what time thy gladsome wing
            The snows uncover;

Never the dark clouds’ burden, at the break
Of morn along the lofty mountain chain,
Bruises thy shoulders, nor their bitter hail
            Shatters thy pinions!


Esteban Manuel de Villegas
Translation by Thomas Walsh

«Eróticas o amatorias» (1618)
Parte segunda de las «Eróticas»

enlace Ismael Enrique Arciniegas - Véase Nota de autor del CANTO AL RÍO MAGDALENA
audio Voice: Ana Núñez Ronchi -

español Original version

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