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You and I were born together,
you plenty of beauty, I plenty of love;
I surrended to you, you surrended to me,
finally, we are together the two!

So I told you. Oh God! .... who would believe
That love did not work miracles!
How many years have passed, my life,
And everything passed, but our love!

How proudly did I delivered my arm
It will serve you in life as a support!
Of our love I showed to the world
the enchanted bond... laughing, proud.

How much, my Julia, we have suffered!
I discover an abyss between today and yesterday;
But I was the weak, I was the defeated;
You, strong of the two, had faith.

And your faith has saved you and saved me,
united we came to the end
Like two twin waves that have rolled
In search of a beach to die on.

It is enough for a life to have loved you;
I have already filled my mission with this.
I have doubted everything ... I have hesitated,
and only incontestable I did find my love.

Julia, sorry if at the end of the race,
exhausted and without strength, I gave up...
If your luck was not linked
with the mine, maybe you'll be happy!

You were to me like the rock
to the lonely ship almost shipwrecked,
That the anchor in it when casting provokes
The storms that he sees around him.

However, the storm does not scare you,
Although it advances towards both of us,
And you wanted to die like ivy
That she embraces the protective elm.

The union of our bonfires was uneven;
I with my faults, you with your virtue;
You giving me your love, I giving my regrets...
Oh, you should have saved yourself, only you!

But in the painful struggle of the life,
In the end, you, as I, must find
A supreme consolation: Julia, listen:
If not like before, we love each other more.


Gregorio Gutiérrez González
Translation by


español Versión original
Voice: Andrés Restrepo Voice: Andrés Restrepo

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