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Quidquid cogitari vel desiderari
Potest es minus quam Deus.

Saint Thomas of Aquinas. Opus VII, 4.

Atheism is a facile accusation
that is used to persecute the innocent,
but it is only an insulting nickname
reducing God to an unfathomable abyss

in which all is ultimately one and the same
and therefore no one will ever run out of
misinterpretations; with the catechism
they have turned us into halfwits.

When we want to believe, our faith
gives us hope which makes us say:
“God, I believe in you!” thus creating

Him in our image. God is the desire
to be a god ourselves that is never achieved;
who knows, perhaps God Himself is an atheist!

Salamanca. 6 October 1910.

Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Rosary of Lyrical Sonnets» (1912)
En casa ya

español Original version

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