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May God bless you tragic clown,
you who combine tears with laughter;
when death threatens our heart, you cool
our brow with a fresh, gentle wind;

your cheerful spirit heals our sorrow,
at least for a while, and in this way
we can live, since without you the pain
would quickly destroy our soul.

Clown, you are the remedy for grief;
thanks to you we receive the nourishment
which sustains our spiritual life;

only a bow which is loosened can shoot;
in order to live, to suffer, we laugh;
so let us laugh, since we are born to suffer.

Salamanca. 29 December 1910.

Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Rosary of Lyrical Sonnets» (1912)
De nuevo en casa

español Original version

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