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The love for your white body burns us;
love which is hunger, love from the heart;
it is hunger for the creative Word         Amos 8:11.
that became flesh; a fierce love of life         John 1:14.
that is not satisfied with embraces, kisses,
nor with any conjugal union.

Only partaking of you eases our longing,
bread of immortality, divine flesh.
Our overwhelming love becomes hunger,
oh, Lamb of God!; it longs to partake of You;
it longs to know the taste of your spirit,
to partake of your heart and let it soothe
the burning of our dry tongue:
it is not to enjoy You, but to make you ours,
flesh of our flesh, and to feel your sorrow
so that we can experience death in life.

With your arms wide open in a gesture
of loving acceptance, you say to us:
“Come, take, eat: this is my body!”         Luke 22: 19;1 Corinthians 11:24.
You are the flesh of God, the Word Incarnate,
the incarnation of our divine hunger for You!

Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«The Christ of Velazquez» (1920)
First part

español Original version

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