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Three dark maids,—I loved them when
In Jaën,—
Axa, Fátima, Marien.

Three dark maids who went together
Picking olives in clear weather,
My, but they were in fine feather
In Jaën,—
Axa, Fátima, Marien.—

There the harvests they collected,
Turning home with hearts dejected,
Haggard where the sun reflected
In Jaën,—
Axa, Fátima, Marien.—

Three dark Moors so lovely they—
Three dark Moors so lovely, they
Plucked the apples on that day
Near Jaën,—
Axa, Fátima, Marien.

Translation by Thomas Walsh

Popular song

Canción. Teresa Berganza Mezzo-soprano: Teresa Berganza
Guitarra: Paco de Lucía Guitarra: Paco de Lucía
enlace Versión recogida por Federico García Lorca
español Original version

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