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You look for Rome in Rome, O traveler!
And in very Rome you find not Rome:
A cadaver now what were her vaunted walls,
And the Aventine the graveyard of itself.

Here lies, where once it reigned, the Palatine;
And the medallions, sanded by time,
Seem rather than Latin emblazonments
The rubble of battles of long ago.

Only the Tiber remains; whose tide,
Having as a city watered her, now as a sepulchre
Mourns her with grievous sound of weeping.

O Rome! Of your grandeur, of your beauty
All that was solid has fled, and only
The fugitive stays and endures.


Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas
Translation by Kate Flores

«El Parnaso español» (1648)
Clío. Musa I. Soneto

inglés Translation by Michael Haldane
inglés Translation by John Howard Reid
inglés Translation by Alix Ingber
inglés Translation by Felicia D. Hemans
ruso Перевод А. Гелескула
español Original version

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