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Sudden I saw the ruddy sun to turn
In cloudy trouble and to disappear;
Across his hidden face the lightning drear
Upon the darkness then began to burn.

Full soon the furious south-wind came to churn
In fury and tormenting far and near;
And where the shoulders of great Atlas rear,
Olympus shook beneath the thunder stern.

But soon the heavy veil is swept away
By rains, and clear again the morning shines
With gladness full-renewed across the skies;

Marking the freshened splendors of the day,
I murmur—These perchance may be the signs
Wherein the image of my fortune lies.


Juan de Arquijo
Translation by Thomas Walsh

Algunas versiones lo intitulan «LA TEMPESTAD Y LA CALMA».


audio Voice: David Mundie -

español Original version

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