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Hovering o’er a lovely pearl
That the depths of earth were guarding
As an ofering divine
From the hands of the Eternal,
Were two birds of rapine set
With their eyes upon íts gleaming,
One with plumage all of gold,
One with plumage black as jet.


Seeing that the pearl was bursting
In its shell within the slime,
They made ready with their beaks
To dissect its broken pieces,
These two birds of rapine set
With their eyes upon its gleaming,
One with plumage all of gold,
One with plumage black as jet.

Julián del Casal
Translator: Thomas Walsh

«Hojas al viento» (1890)

español Original version

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Incluido en el Hispanic anthology: poems translated from the Spanish by English and North-American poets, collected and arranged by Thomas Walsh....